Many high school graduates have trouble on how to apply for a student loan or bursary as some still call it. It's actually a straight forward process and by the end of this article, you'll be good to go!
Just follow these simple steps
1. Apply at the university of your choice.
Note: Make sure that your University of choice is among the universities that has its students given loans by the Higher Education loans and Scholarship Board's (HELSB).
2. If you get accepted, wait for the advertisement of the loan from the HELSB. You can follow their Facebook page and keep a regular check on it.
3. After the advert is out, collect the recommendation letter from your former school and from your local church or councilor. You can also get one from your secondary school sponsor(s) if you had any.
4. Write an application letter for a loan, state the percent (%) you want and why you want it. Don't type it, it should be in a handwritten format. Here is a sample of the letter
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Credit: Excel Academy. |
5. Make copies of the documents which you're going to submit as photocopies to the HELSB office. These documents are; your Admission letter, your ECZ certified grade 12 results/certificate, your parents/guardians NRCs and your NRC and the supporting documents if any.)
6. After making copies of of the above mentioned documents, take them to the police, court for verification ( stamping ) and don't forget to go with your original documents. The charges vary and are dependent on the police post.
7. Go to NATSAVE bank and buy an application form at k150 and carefully fill in the form.
8. Arrange the recommendation letters, your application letter, the application form together with 2 passport sized photos and the stamped documents mentioned above. Don't attach them, you are only going to attach them when they tell you the order to follow upon submitting.
9. Take all the mentioned documents for submission. For those in Kitwe, submit at CBU, those in Lusaka submit at the HELSB main office and for those who are not in the mentioned areas, you can send the documents through the Post Office. You can also submit your documents at any NATSAVE branch.
Note: as long as you have a university admission letter and you're a zambian aged below 24 you stand a chance of being given a loan. But since it's only limited to a few number of people they have the criteria which they follow. As long as you're qualified just apply, and leave everything in the hands of the HELSB. Don't worry about the cut off point just try your lucky.
1. When is the advert out?
Ans. The advert is usually published a few days after the university publishes its list of successfull applicants.
2. What is the cut off point to be given a loan?
Ans: Just apply if you are qualified.
3. What if you are not in Lusaka or Copperbelt how can you submit?
Ans: You can send your documents through the Post Office.
4. When writing an application letter, should you address it to University?
Ans: No, your University has nothing to do with the loans. The address is given by HELSB through their memo.
That is all you have to know.
If you have any questions drop them in the comments below!
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